
East meets West: What can be the contribution of the Hindu and Christian spirituality in the face of the actual ecological challenges?

Lecture and discussion

with Brother John Martin


For Brother John, inspired by Christian and Hindu spirituality, the ecological crisis cannot be reduced solely to a question of external technical solutions. The deeper question for him is how to further develop the quality of the human relationship to the ecological question. In doing so, he explores the potential of human consciousness. In this process, he expands our ordinary understanding of ecology:

The world today is facing many environmental or ecological issues. Ecology is not only external but also internal which is to understand the purpose of time, the purpose of creation and the purpose of human existence. If we establish inner harmony or inner ecology it will naturally contribute for external ecology. Ecology is not limited to environment. it also extends to economic ideals, social ideals, religious ideals, spiritual ideals and political ideals. 



Biographical note:

John Martin, born 1955 in South India. Studied theology and philosophy. Benedictine monk at Shantivanam Ashram since 1987. Expert in Hindu and Christian spirituality. Bridge builder between West and East, in the tradition of the monk Bede Griffiths. Regular lecture tours in North America and Europe.



Organiser: AGIR Actions Groupe Inter Religions A.S.B.L.; InterFaith-Run – For-A-United World A.S.B.L.

Cooperation partners: EWB

Datum:25.05.2023Zäit:19:30 AuerEntrée:freeAdress:Centre nationale Bahá'í du Luxembourg

17 All. Léopold Goebel
L - 1635 Belair Luxembourg
Informatioun:ingo.hanke@cathol.lu; luxpetervermeulen@gmail.comSprooch:English