Poetry Workshop – Gathering the Wildflowers
A Creative Workshop with the author Wendy Winn
Anyone can be a poet. All you need is the courage and a little push to get started! So don’t be shy, grab your pen and paper, and join our special guest for our poetry workshop: Author Wendy Winn. We will find inspiration in photographs and, with Wendy’s expert guidance, let our creativity bloom and come to life.
Do you have the courage to tap into your inner poet? Then join us at the EwB on 1st July!
Because we believe that everyone can be a poet, this workshop is for everyone: schoolchildren, students, adults and the elderly.
This event is organised by Diana Mistreanu, Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf and the ErwuesseBildung.

5 Avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 LuxembourgInformation:info@ewb.luIn Cooperation with:Universität PassauLanguage:ENGTarget Audience:16+