Tress of the Emerald Sea
A wilful fairy Tale in an epic fantasy setting
In this fairy-tale for young adults, we encounter Tress, who is absolutely not like any heroine you have ever read about. Tress is one of the most ordinary and boring girls on her island. Her island is surrounded by a sea that is not made of water – it is made of colourful spores that, when combined with water (like bodily fluids), can become deadly.
Tress’s most interesting hobby is collecting cups and listening to her friend Charlie. She doesn’t make any ill-conceived decisions, she is competent, pragmatic, and doesn’t have any urge to leave her little island. Well, not until Charlie, the boy she fell in love with, is captured by the mysterious sorceress of the midnight sea – the sea with the deadliest of spores.
After meticulously planning an escape and rescue mission with her parents (which heroine in YA involves their parents in their plans?), Tress sails over the pirate-infested sea to find her one true love. A hero’s journey full of wit, humour, excellent world-building, and a heroine so relatable, she is impossible to dislike.
For YA and adult fantasy fans.